Today in the bond market, we experienced what is called a GAP OPEN. There is two ways to trade a gap. One is to take a trade when the gap is trying to be closed. The other is to take a trade with the intention of the gap not closing, or a continuation gap.
The trade today came at 8:35AM Eastern time, and proceeded without any difficulty reaching target for another profitable trade for the week.
On a side note, I am working on several projects now. One will be available, in the near future, you will find it on the right side of the blog with the Day Trader Box. I will keep you updated on the progress of this program.
Also, I have placed my recommended booklist on this website blog. It is an accumlation of over 25 years of reading. These are books that I recommend and they vary from: trading, investment, fiction, biography, and self-help. You will also find a current news category on the right side. I hope you like the new additions to my blog.
Lastly, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, then you will find my disclaimer to the website, and my trading method. This is pretty standard stuff, but I wanted to cover my bases. I hope that you have a very enjoyable weekend. My plan as time goes on is to make this website blog a one of a kind, unique and enjoyable experience for all that take the time to visit.
Be on the lookout for more changes coming soon!
Good Trades,
David AKA Tiger
P.S. I added a "Calvin and Hobbes" picture. As I was growing up, I always enjoyed the cartoon and it is a reminder of my nickname, "TIGER."
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