Trading is like an ARTist and a blank Canvas ... this more than any other thought is something I would like to talk about today. The chart above is in the eMini S&P 500, or simply said, the ES market.
What we are looking at this week is one person's interpretation of price action over the trading week, and just like economists no two trader's interpretation seem to exactly fit with each other.
So those that know me, know that I am of the belief center that a person can be taught to trade, and they can come from any, and I mean any walk of life. I believe that a homeless person has about just as much chance to make it in trading as a rich person.
So if the playing field is level why is it so tough? The obvious first answer that comes creeping in to your thought pattern is that the homeless person, or those without the resources do not have the required funds available to participate in trading.
I would argue that the rich person is just as likely as the homeless, or down on their luck person, to lose money in the market, perhaps even more than their account balance when they have to face a margin call.
Why is this? I believe that the source of this problem when it relates to trading is how we are conditioned as students in a school atmosphere. We are taught that if we achieve good grades, then we can get into a good college, and then we can get a good job to pay us what we are WORTH.
Does this sound familiar to you? If so, you are not in the minority that share this kind of view about how life should work. But life is not a dress rehearsal, some people do get lucky breaks, and do WIN the lottery leaving other people behind scratching their heads, and asking why not me?
Bad things happen to good people, and the SUN shines on both the good and the bad alike. I do believe that our environment can influence the way we think, if we let it to do so. For example, if you are told over and over again, how much of a loser you are and you can't accomplish anything, then our tendency is to believe that in our innermost core of our being. That is when we are truthful with ourselves and strip ourselves down.
So what kind of person can succeed at trading? First of all, there has to be a passion. This passion can be about living, or family, or God, or you name it, but there has to be a reason for the person to get up each day. Some people will call this their, "WHY?"
What is your WHY?
Why do you want to be successful in trading? Why is it so important to succeed where so many other people have failed? If you believe the statistics, then being a trader you have a 90% chance of failure.
Why is that?
Once again, I believe that you can place your finger on the "I am always right," philosophy of how to be a success in life syndrome. We are rewarded for being right, not wrong. For instance, if we get straight A's on this report card, then you can have a steak dinner at your favorite restaurant. This behavior is rewarded much like Pavlov's dogs when they hear the dinner bell they start salivating.
I would argue, when it comes to trading, you better get used to the idea that LOSING is going to happen. And more importantly, the quicker that you allow yourself to grasp this concept, then the faster you will be able to allow yourself to become a WINNER in trading.
There are proven systems that are profitable with only a 30% win rate ... such as ... the Turtle Traders led by Richard Dennis, for example. If you don't know who Richard Dennis is, then I would like to suggest you watch a movie called, "Trading Places." This movie incorporates the thought process like one of the Moritmer brothers thought they could take a bum off the street and teach them how to trade.
Mr. Dennis did exactly the same type of thing, although, they were not bums off the street. But he did take people into his program from different walks of life. Even in his program, their were failures and success stories. Some of these people you can read about, if you do some research and your due diligence.
So I believe that one of the key components in success as a trader is to as much as you can take your emotions out of your trading. Allow yourself to have winning and losing streaks. Recognize that you are not a trading god, and move on with your trading goals.
It has been said, that you have to GIVE to RECEIVE. Many of you have given a lot, and some of you have given a little, but in the end, the prize comes to those that perservere. That is the person that finishes the race. The race does not always go to the fastest, are the bravest, but it goes to the person willing to put in the time and effort to make it work.
It goes to the person that can take their emotions, as best as they are able, out of their trading decisions. That is not to revenge trade, and not to want it all your losses back now. People have heard me say, if you get to the point that you are praying that this trade will work out, then you need to push the FLATTEN button on your platform right then and there, and stop trading.
Why? Because, if you are praying that things will work out for you, then I can guarantee you that their is another person praying for the exact opposite of what you want. Who is to say which of you is the more righteous? As in the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective saying. If the other person is more righteous than you, then their prayer is answered not yours. And more importantly, when you start praying about a trade, more times than not, it will be a LOSS.
You can take that to the BANK!!
In the end, I do believe trading is more of an art, than a science. We each have a blank canvass to work with, and what we do with that canvas, proper training, and guidance can eventually lead you to the promise land of being a success as a trader, if trading is your true passion.
Good Trades,
David AKA Tiger
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