Today was an interesting day of basically sitting on your hands and waiting for the market to do anything at all. There was a lot of talking go on between the 3 Big Automakers, and Fed Chairman Bernanke speaking.
My basic plan of attack was not to look at the market for a trading opportunity until the earliest Bernanke would be speaking. I have noticed that in a lot of cases this is a wise decision in the present market conditions that we are in.
In addition, the big 3 autos were on the main stage today telling us all of their problems and why they need money to support their lifestyles and big golden parachute bonus packages ... :-)
Seriously, I am still waiting on my bailout package. Here is what I think we should do for all AMERICAN CITIZENS. We should have a get out of FREE jail card like in the monopoly game, and we should be able to be forgiven all our debts except for our house mortgage.
You want to jump start the economy, then give the buyers the ability to do it again, and when we get in this predictament again. Then the government simply forgives all our debt again. This way we can run just like the government.
In addition, we should all have access to our own personal money tree, and printing press that we can request funds from the FED anytime we want to make a purchase, and then leave them with the bill, and let good old Uncle Sam take care of this for us.
I figure since they are giving away money in the tune of billions, then we as Americans should be entitled to our very own guarateed debt free bailout. So who's with me?
Good Trades,
David AKA Tiger
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